- Notepad - ip7backup VPN / nas 2 / :: NetBackup:: --- The Process ---

The Process ..........

internet backups with ip7backup The Process

Several Possibilities exist depending on actual user or system needs.


Jointly we decide on a backup strategy for you and your needs, then You make regular scheduled (you don't need to do anything except leave the computer on) backups, stored on your computer, these backups are then also sent over the internet to be stored here as well. In the event of data loss, or that your computer fails /is stolen /burns /etc we have all your important stuff stored here, it's just down the road from you, and, we'll come round and help you put it back together again if you want. Or You can download your data [get it back] over the internet, or come round and pick it up on a USB key or disk. simples.




Privacy - Encryption - Security

Your Privacy is Important.

We would suggest encrypting your files

Our recommended backup method will encrypt your backups if required

Our internet VPN connection is encrypted, can also offer SSH this will encrypt what is sent down the wires over the internet but what you send will be what we store for you

[backup encryption will slow your backups and may make restoring slightly more confusing, but for anything vaguely sensitive really ought to be used. If the backups are scheduled overnight this is not an issue Please don't bother to play security against time, whilst you are asleep in bed].




Investigation of backup needs,

identification of important user and system data.

Backup options, types, files to include, or exclude.

Use of encrypted/non-encryted backup,


Number of old backups to keep,

Backup storage Location.[local & remote]

Recovery Strategy (from a single "lost" file - New Computer "bare new metal" install)



A Hypothetical Question?

Think of your computer/s for a moment, just think of all the documents, emails, pictures, spread sheets, email lists, databases, and the like, it contains.

Just imagine you had printed out every one of those items you wanted to keep. Or that might be "handy"

Then You have created a reasonable backup system? (on paper) any changes would have to involve re-printing of pages and their correct filing in the paper system, but it's a "backup" right enough. (a fire might leave you in a muddle unless your paper backup was off site, but that would be an update nightmare too) An updated, remote, Paper backup is a backup, but not a "replacement" It's never going to be the same, finding a contacts email address, from a piece of paper, in a file, in a grey filing cabinet, Can never be like it is to scroll down a list in your "contacts" or type the first two letters of their name into the address field of the message you have written for them.

A Paper backup, (if kept up to date) Is Usefully, but will never be able to replace or effectively repair your system to what it was or presently is.

Yes you have got it "all on paper" but think of the cost of thumping it all back in to a new computer system one page at a time. How long did you take to put it all in?

Well It's going to take that sort of time again + you have to put it all back where it came from, in the right places to get you anywhere near back where you started.

It's a Monster of a Job, a task from hell, even for just a hand full of important documents and a small contact phone & email list it would take hours, + serious & lengthy proof reading of the re-typed documents, + cross your fingers for the emails and phone numbers.

You need a digital backup and you need to keep it off-site or you risk serious upheaval.



